Friday, February 20, 2009

Locker Room Talk

So I went to the gym after work yesterday (yes, hell has frozen over, but only parts, don't get excited this is not a routine or anything...), and was in the locker room changing in behind the curtain in the small changing "area." Right outside the curtain I hear two women talking..

Woman 1 : Hey! I'm glad you made it today.

Woman2 : Me too. GUESS WHAT?!?! He actually called me last night!

Woman1: Really? Finally. What did he say?

Woman2 : Well he explained and said he was really sorry

Woman1 : Uh-huh (like she's agreeing, not said sarcastically)

Woman2 : And he said he didn't call me earlier because he didn't want to bother me at work and upset me when I had my meetings and everything...

Woman1 : Oh.... that makes sense.

Woman2: Then he told me he has only apologized like four or five times in his life and this was one of those times...

Woman1: Awwwwwww....

Woman2 : Yeah, I know! And he REALLY really meant it, I could hear how sorry he was in his voice...

Woman1 : Girl... that's great, so did he apply for that job?

Woman2 : No - he is going to take a few weeks and go to Florida and just figure out what he really wants to do and get his thoughts together and then come back and we'll be together.

Woman1: That may be just what he needs......

And then they walked out of the locker room....

Seriously?!??!?! I hope this girl doesn't sit at home crying months from now wondering what went wrong...


Anonymous said...

Hey, the story sounds totally believable to me. I just wish I was creative enough to come up with a story like that as opposed to my usual excuse: "I just don't like you."

Jewels said...

Well - I didn't actually SEE this women - but I'm hoping they are not in the majority.

I mean.. "he's only apologized 4 or 5 times in his LIFE" yeah... thats a good one. Hold on to that guy.

Anonymous said...

1. i kid you not. i worked out yesterday for the first time in two years. stop STEALING MY LIFE! it's really pathetic cus there is a gym in my condo clubhouse and i still can't even make it there.
2. typical. she needs to watch "the movie" for sure.
3. hell actually did freeze over here cus out of nowhere it went from 50 to 3 degrees yesterday. i promised everyone i'd never do that to them again

Faith said...

They obviously didn't see "He's Just Not That Into You."

Liz said...

LMAO at the elephant! HEHEHE!! Oh and that story?! WTF?! You need to become stalkers of these women so you can find out the rest of the scoop for us! Sorry Austin, hell is going to need to stay frozen over.

Anonymous said...

I know you didn't see them, but I hope they were 19 or so. Surely a mature woman wouldn't fall for that. I hate to think someone is that desperate for a man. She has to be young.

Anonymous said...

I don’t understand??? Why are they SO many delusional, stupid, naïve people??? Why? Oh my god – I would have wanted to walk up to her and slap her across the head – CLEARLY not enough oxygen is getting into her (or her friends) brain! Why?

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

I would have had to have a lie down after hearing that......for the nausea, lol......

Anonymous said...

And then he turns out to be a secret agent, and then he comes back from Florida, and then they live happily ever after.

And then you feel bad for being so cynical.

Jewels said...

Alright Michael that made me laugh, and I'm sick today so thats tough.

If I am wrong, and I next hear from the locker room of their wedding plans, I will blog about it AND buy her something nice off her registry..

Valuable Friend said...

When I work out at the gym, I like to look around the place and, seeing lots of different types of people, imagine what their lives are like. On good days (which is most of the time) I imagine they all have these perfect, wonderful lives away from the gym that they are just dying to get back to after their 20 minutes on the treadmill. After reading this, I am now going to have to wonder...maybe their lives aren't so great afterall? *Sniff*