Saturday, January 17, 2009

Vanilla Pudding is My Best Friend

So its around 5am on Saturday morning, and I'm impressed I got 4 straight hours of sleep. Since my wisdom teeth came out that is the longest I have slept.

I had friends come by yesterday, Faith with magazines and soft foods, Melissa with gerber daisies, Angela with vanilla pudding, and Nicole with flowers. I have always known I talked to much, but after these visits I reached my limit. My whole mouth was sore, and the second I quit talking, it started to feel better. Thank goodness for Emily (my fabulous friend who stayed the night), my elementary knowledge of sign language, and vanilla pudding.

I have never been a pudding fan, just one of the things they suggest you get when you have your wisdom teeth out. I have eaten 11 cups of vanilla pudding thus far. It is the only thing I look forward to. In this situation, Jello vanilla pudding, is MY 6 pack.

I spent the last hours before bed last night using sign language to communicate with Emily, and I feel much better. I also ate macaroni and cheese which to any of you who have had your wisdom teeth out, know is awesome. Of course it's also frustrating because basically have to have one little noodle at a time. You never really appreciate the spoon or forkful you can normally take until you can barely open your mouth.

And wow - don't accidentally hit your teeth with the fork, its like the ripple effect in the water straight to the end.

I go back to work Monday, and I can already tell I am going to be lopsided with a huge swollen side... who's better looking than me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, you probably already knew about the blood clots, you're further along than I realized.

You're doing great!!
I had mine out when I was 21 and yes, it totally sucked.
You're a champ. I survived on instant oatmeal and darvocet.