Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thoughts and Happenings

Living on my own I was under the impression I would always get to watch what I wanted, never having to share the remote. Not so, I realized as my channel suddenly changed. Some may say it was an accidental coincidence, I'm not so sure.

Other things I thought about today -

Unless mandated by some form of uniform, sports team, holiday, or “in honor of” (cancer, aids, etc) day – I never wear orange, red or yellow.

When I was 4 or 5 years old I stole a tootsie roll (one of those vanilla ones) from Albertsons. My mom had my Dad take me back to the store and I had to apologize to the manager.

When my brother was 2 or 3, and I was 5 or 6, he was jumping on the bed. I told him he was going to get in trouble and he should stop. He did not. I therefore pulled him off the bed, and his leg broke. Whoops.

I would always bargain with my babysitters to stay up later. I now understand why that was so annoying.

I am petrified of snakes, petrified. I can not even look at a picture much less see one on tv or in the movies.

I put Parmesan cheese on my popcorn. (Which I currently can't have for another two weeks, man I miss popcorn)

At 16 my friends and I met N*SYNC at their hotel after a concert. I immediately called my mother, crying, saying “Mom, I met LANCE”. (of all people)

Almost any TV show in the world can get me as a regular, simply by having a weekend marathon. You sit down at 9am, and before you know it’s dark out, and you have no idea what just happened.

One week after my wisdom teeth removal I had my first solid food. I had a hamburger and fries from Wendy’s, it was painful, but SO WORTH IT.

I never eat anything after the "sell by" date. Yes I know it's ridiculous. But I don't.

I always wished, and sometimes still do, that I had the talent to write a novel. I think I have some great stories to tell, I’m no Tori Spelling, but I have issues too.


Anonymous said...

Well I get the yellow thing. Not many people can wear it without looking jaundiced. Not an attractive way to look....

A tootsie roll? It must have been for the "thrill". If you were going to have to be caught anyway, should've gone for the Cadbury egg to at least make it worth you while....

And you certainly did always beg to stay up the latest.....and you always got to. Who could resist the eyes? Not me.

Carrie Maxwell said...

why tori spelling?

i've always wanted to write a novel too. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm about to pepper you with comments.

I hurt for you on all those plane rides.

I bet that Wendy's burger was soooo good. My favorite thing is a chicken sandwich from Burger King after being sick with a cold.