Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

As previously stated, I was at my parents home in North Dallas this weekend for a wedding. I spent 3 days and 3 nights up there and was going pretty much non-stop. I had a blast, some surprises, some yawns, some lessons, and generally a fun time throughout.

Some things I noted;

-It is fun to get a group of old high school friends together to talk about crazy things like vomit and snuggies. Not necessarily together, although entirely appropriate...

-I am still capable of getting home at 5:30 in the morning.

-My parents are still capable of REALLY REALLY disliking it when I get home at 5:30 in the morning.

-Never let a gay man with good taste give you beer in his home. You will like it, you will want it instead of domestic, and it will be expensive. Damn you Ryan and your Stella.

-All weddings should have a mandated alcohol supply. Seriously. I understand the joyous occasion but at least put BYOB on your invitation or something. Mini liquor bottles aren’t just for hotels and airplanes anymore! I just realized all things above involved alcohol…. All the more reason to always have it at weddings…

-A $60+ dollar tab for two people is WAY too much beer.

-Upon running into him, literally...I still feel slight embarrassment for those harassing "I like you" phone calls I made to Brian Finkelstein in 7th grade, chalk this up to "the people I didn't expect to see on Saturday night".

-Telling guys Tamara and I met in a Backstreet Boy chat room is still the best way to get rid of them EVER.

-The Tunacado at Ra in The Shops at Legacy is one of the best things I have EVER HAD.

-A party weekend is not best during Daylight Savings Time.

Overall, there is nothing better than reconnecting with tons of old friends for a weekend and feeling young again.... and now we get in less trouble....well.... sort of...


Unknown said...

Yes, old friends and alcohol will keep you out till the wee hours every time.

Anonymous said...

Well at least it wasn't the tragically boring weekend you dreaded. Oh the joys of returning to your hometown for a few nights of um... "fun". You never know what kind of trouble you'll get yourself into with the people from "way back".

Oh yeah, and fuck that Daylight Savings Time nonsense. I want that hour of my life back.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my kind of party!!
Prince and I love Stella Artois...washed down with Mary Martini's............
And those itty bitty bottles of assoreted alcohols? They fit nicely in your purse :)

Jewels said...

Emily- Too bad you weren't there!

Brandon - your sarcasm is noted

Reggie Girl - Like the shorter name!! I would love a Mary Martini! And don't think I haven't ever taken some mini bottles of JD to shows.

Anonymous said...

oh so many things to say here.

1. since when was daylight savings time in march? WTF? am i the only who thought it happened way later than that?

2. stella.... thats all they drink in london [the cheap people anyway] i love to reflect on alcoholic times gone by. one time we polished off a bottle of wine after a six pack of that. not my finest moment.

3. there's just something about weddings... the only thing that's worse than a wedding without alcohol is my grandpa with alcohol. he's such a bastard.

Jewels said...

1. I know. Seriously. It is WAY to early for Daylight Savings - today is worse than yesterday.
2.Did you just call me cheap?
3.This made me laugh out loud. Hilarious... probably not to you - but in theory of it being someone else :)

Anonymous said...

2. no, no jules.. i did not call you cheap - it's just that everyone in london is loaded, so the only ones who drink stella are the poor people or the american students studying abroad. hah

Anonymous said...

1. i think im going to start talking in lists like jewels and blunt delivery F.K.A the daily elephant
2. i agree day light savings sucks i could still be in bed at 7am instead of half asleep in the shower getting ready for work because its really 6am.. bastards
3. making these lists is ensuring i keep up my math -brandon will be proud of me
4. well looks like i can only think of four things to say including this nonesense point... or the alternative is that i can only count to 4...