Friday, March 27, 2009

Cowgirl I Am Not

Alright, lets be honest here. You blow a date/meeting/chance with me, and the odds are there is going to be a blog about it. Consider me the Taylor Swift of blogging but with a little less notoriety and a lot less money. I especially don’t feel bad for those of you out there who KNOW I have a blog that discusses dating/men/boys yet you talk to me anyway. You had fair warning. Now normally I give it awhile, wait until it’s not so fresh, maybe they aren’t checking the blog anymore….but if you give me attitude.. and I’m low on blog material, it’s your time to SHINE my friend.

Here is a recent conversation via “gchat” I had with, we’ll call him Sam. He is apparently a rather big fan of the rodeo – and I obviously, am not.

me: so i have never actually BEEN to a rodeo
do you actually go to the rodeo rodeo or is there other stuff to do?

Sam: both
me: so...guys lasso calves? or what?
Sam: tie-down roping.. yes
events are... bareback riding, bulldoggin', tie down roping, team roping, saddle bronc riding, barrel racing, and bull riding

Me: you may as well have spoken chinese
Sam: you grew up in Texas.. right?
me: yep
Sam: and you dont knwo what rodeo is?! hard to believe
me: never went to the rodeo -
I know the basics

Sam: obviously not... i just told you the basics
me: i don't know the category's - i couldn't tell you what they were doing exactly or the terminology
i mean the bare basics. I know a guy rides a horse and lassos a calf and then there is bull riding...
theres something with barrels?

Sam: lasso is spanish...
they rope the calf

me: exactly - i know what you see on tv
thats about it

Sam: which all of the BASIC events i just listed are on tv almost nightly
me: I think you misunderstood me. I meant “on tv” as in with on “Without A Trace” they are solving a case where someone disappeared from a rodeo, or a lifetime movie based around a rodeo

As my bloggety friend Susi would say.... NEXT!


Anonymous said...

Yet another reason Texas is... "loved" by the rest of the country.

Jewels said...

Dude!! Why the hate on my state? I love Texas.

Faith said...

Incredible. At least you weeded him out before he fell for a rodeo clown.

Jewels said...

Faith - are you calling me a rodeo clown?

Faith said...

Exactly what I meant

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

My Grand-dad used to take us to Rodeo's when we were little.
Smells like cow. Cow and you know....bullsh**t......
Have a wonderful weekend senseless jewels.

blunt delivery said...

haha. oh jules. he was very concerned about proving his point that he had gone over the BASICS. what is it with spazs like that? its like the dorkier the hobby the more serious they are about making sure they get their message out to the world. clearly, he's never talked to a girl in his life. do you know ANY girl who would have cared about that?

Anonymous said...


and for Brandon I say..."git a rope"


Jewels said...

There probably are women who care, how else do they reproduce? I'm just not one of them, nor do I have any friends who are

susispice said...

oh my lovely jewels i forgotten how much i loved ur dating exploits hehe. im glad im outta that game.

I have a confession to make...a confession that even my scottish/english boyfriend gets embarrassed about... I like watching... Pro Bullriding.. i actually dont mind it. I have a thing about cowboys..until they speak...or smile and u realise they have lost their two front teeff..

I have never been to Texas but I once was at a dinner where I was introduced to the embassador to perth from the US and he was Texan... let me tell you my girl..he was NOT the toast of the night if anything people ran away from him. he wasnt represent'n texas very well.