Thursday, March 19, 2009

Red Flags (consider yourself warned)

We've all made mistakes in life. I made plenty in my love life and I'm probably going to make some more. My old pal Blunt Delivery gives some great advice on what to look for IN relationships. Here I would just like to address some early signs that I wish someone had warned me about before I get in those in the first place. Any more than one of these...and I advise you to draw a square, add a line on the side, and color it in red. That's right girls, the following 10 things that I have seen/experienced are definitely A RED FLAG!!!
1. Paisley shirts. No one should wear a paisley shirt but your Mimi, no one.

2. Make up. His very own No Shine powder. I think this speaks for itself.

3. A Manicure kit - Here's a tip, this isn't because he wants to do YOUR nails.

4. Uses the Term "Beeyotch" - NO straight man should use this term, a "biotch" to avoid the word or "B" is not appealing, but it's acceptable. Beeyotch, well..... NO.

5. Tanning. After a trip to the tanning salon (Him..not you, which is another red flag in itself.) - he says "I'm tanner than you"

6. Ego. 75% of the photos on his digital camera are portraits he took.... of HIMSELF

7. An obsession for Bernadette Peters. Don't know who she is? I didn't either. Look it up. You'll understand.

9. "Matchmaker" He's getting girls numbers "for his friends sweetie.." (no i didn't buy this one but people do)

10. Overzealous on his religion. I had a pretty religious boyfriend, whom after I said "that just hit me in the ass", he looked at me, tears in his eyes and said "You just drove the nails deeper into Christ's wrists" - I RAN... FAST.

Now - these may never happen to you, but over years of my collective dating experience here are just a few things I experienced.

These date way back, the more recent ones I need to give a little more time so maybe they won't be as sensitive or recognize themselves. Maybe you shouldn't write about that Jewels. No - I'm sorry, it's just too good. If someone hands you a 2 caret diamond you don't say "Oh I can't accept this due to the movie Blood Diamond and what happens in Africa." You just don't. (Well maybe you do but I wouldn't. It's there, the damage has already been done.

More red flags to come when the dust settles - and trust me, they are JUICY.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're holding stuff back. Go all out! Shouldn't #8 be #1?

I wasn't sure if I wanted to put this as my own blog or not, but I was at Walmart yesterday waiting by the pharmacy, and two girls around 18 years old began to talk, and one said, "I don't know what to think about Tony. He says I'm the only girlfriend he hasn't cheated on, but I'm afraid he might get bored with me and cheat. Why can't guys just be up front and tell you they want to mess around with other girls? I think he's going to ask me for a threesome too, because he's jealous that he hasn't had one and I've had two."

Keep in mind, this girl was not attractive. She wouldn't even qualify as cute. (But she wasn't fat, either.) Anything to get attention. But nope, no red flags there. I'm sure they'll end up getting married and living happily ever after.

Anonymous said...

oh jules.

oddly, and not surprisingly, 80% of these can be said of Kenny. lol. that is precisely why we aren't dating. haha.

brandon, the classic. "He's done it to everyone else, but i am SO AWESOME he'd never do it to me. I've CHANGED HIM!!!! I WIN!!! I beat the system."

Unknown said...

haha nice.

Jewels said...

Brandon - to me - a mustang is more acceptable than wearing paisley before the age of 65,

Jewels said...

Ok Brit - Thats awesome. And good call - all of those happened to me, with different people but still.

Carrie Maxwell said...

i went on a date once with a guy who tanned... i guess he wore those little tanning glasses because his all around his eyes was really white.

he was cute otherwise.

guys that tan creep me out.

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

Hysterical and all oh so very true!!
I'd like to add that if your date can't be called at home and can only call like the devil is chasing you cuz he is!!!!!
Hahahaha, paisley shirts and Mimi's. LMAO :)

Reggie Girl