Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wait Till Your Father Gets Home

I have always feared my Mom more than my Dad. My Mom is used to the “strict father” and “sympathetic mother” that most of her generation grew up with. You know…the scary and threatening..

“Wait till your father gets home”

This was not quite how it was in my house.

Years ago, when I was in college and still living at home with my parents, I had some crazy times. I would leave to go out with friends, and either
A. Get home around 2:30-3am (3am meant there was a Whataburger run for some taquitos – or Jack in The Box – no way I could eat that now)
B. Not come home at all(get your mind out of the gutter I usually was crashed at a friends place)

Now if I didn’t come home I would receive the dreaded phone call between 6 and 7 am, it never failed.

Me : “Hello”

Mom: “ Where are you”

Me: “Becki’s (or Candace, Jamie, whatever friend I went out with the night before)

Mom : You need to get home NOW – your Dad is so mad – wait until he talks to you.

So I would get home, go straight to my room and try to avoid my parents at all cost. I would get ready and go off to school or work to avoid confrontation. My mom called to inform me I was to meet my Dad for lunch to talk about my behavior and how it has gone on long enough.

I get to the restaurant, and sit down with my Dad. Our food is ordered, and the talk begins.

Dad : Well… the mommy wants me to talk to you

Me : I know…

Dad: We just wanna know where you are….

Me: Ok.

Dad: Ok, ….. you need any money? Here’s a $20.

And that is it.

After leaving the restaurant and getting back to my office I get a phone call, caller Id says “Home”.

Mom : We’re going to need that $20 back.


Unknown said...

See, you do have things to write about don't ya? =)

I was screwed on both parental accounts. Fail to lobby one parent, and the other one followed suit. Not until senior did they relax. So relaxed to the point where they didn't notice I hadn't come home for 3 days straight.

Anonymous said...

Luckily (unluckily?) my dad worked 90+ hours a week (he's a workaholic) and my mom made most decisions, especially since I was such an amazing person all throughout my life. My mom also happens to be the more reasonable one... like when I was in college, and over spring break I was going to go stay with my girlfriend at her college. Which parent freaks out? My DAD. The one who not only didn't get married until he was 33, but also had one girl live with him for a few years before he was married that wasn't my mom. The same man who was essentially a player at my age.

And of course it never occurred to him that I did that stuff almost every other weekend when I was away at college anyway. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

ok, well, my parents were both equally scary. I gotta say, they someone managed to find the perfect balance between being strict enough to keep me out of trouble and being lenient enough so i wouldn't be rebellious. I don't know how they did it. But i DO know that i can guarantee my mother is more protective than ANYONE's mother you know.

1. I had to call whenever i got where i was going.

2. I had to call when I was leaving so that she could time the route and if it was longer than usual she'd know to go search for me in a ditch somewhere.

3. I couldn't come home later than 2 because my mom wouldn't sleep an ounce until i walked through the door.

4. my mom locked herself in the bedroom for 3 days when i told her i was going to london

5. she had to personally know ever person's parents of people i hung out with (not when i was out of high school) but definately during.

6. my mom would make me wear a baseball cap when i was driving home late at night to make myself look like a boy.

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

What a scathing lecture, lol!!

Jewels said...

Ryan, yeah yeah yeah - what can I say... I am OH so grateful that you picked on me until I gave in.

Jewels said...

Brandon- This explains so much about you.

Jewels said...

Brit -

#6 is hilarious. I love it!

Jewels said...

Reggie - Dad could definitely put the fear of God in you - HAHA!!!

BAM said...

Ha! Your dad!