Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Pajama Effect Part 2

It still haunts me - I thought I had escaped it, but it is still present. (For background please see blog, The Pajama Effect

I was running work errands, one of which requires me to get Starbuck's gift cards. Upon pulling into the parking lot I saw a familiar car.... RIGHT when I walked in the front door... there sat my good looking (actually been downgraded to decent to good looking but for sake of the story.....good looking will work) neighbor. We exchanged the "oh hey how are you" 's that one does and I went about my business.

On the way out I decided to talk about, as I was in my work attire, and for once NOT pajamas!! Wahoo! So after some fun, witty convo I go to walk out the door.....

And push the wrong side... that's right... typically you can't open doors when you push on the side they are freaking hinged to the doorway with...


1 comment:

Carrie Maxwell said...


i'm laughing with you, not at you! :)