Friday, May 9, 2008

The Pajama Effect.

After moving into my new condo, I began to notice a trend, a trend I tend to call the Pajama Effect. I have discovered that the only time I cross paths with my hot neighbor, are the times that are super good looking times for him, and super NOT so good looking times for me.


Run in #1 - 7am my two dogs wake me up to go out. Half asleep I put on my grandma style house shoes, and my glasses and with me eyes half closed drag outside. Hello hot guy.

Run in #2 - Some girls come over for a few drinks, which turn into "more than a few" drinks. Right before bed, hair askew, and mascara under-eyes I responsibly walk my dogs. Well, ...hello hot guy.

Run in #3 - At home sick and needing to take the trash out. I walk to trash to the dumpster between "getting sick" episodes and ... surprise... Hello Hot guy.

I have noted that the opposite effect is also in place. I am out in a swimsuit, or a nice cocktail dress and I hear footsteps.... I think to myself, YES, FINALLY he will see how I look when I'm not obliterated, half asleep or a mixture of the two. I turn, and its Well HELLO.............. super creepy guy.

Now I have learned to ATLEAST do a mirror check in the AM. Tame the hair, wipe the mascara out from under the eyes, and make sure i am not in the hideous house shoes. You can't be pretty all the time, but I never want to hear "well hello creepy girl."

1 comment:

Carrie Maxwell said...


i think there is a rule about walking dogs and taking out the trash... you're supposed to look scruffy....

he probably think's you're hot even pj clad. :)