Monday, December 22, 2008

Why isn't now good enough?

Have you ever noticed we are never as happy with ourselves in the present as we are in hindsight?
We constantly look in the mirror and pick apart what we see. I’m too pale, I’m too chunky, my hair is the wrong color, my teeth aren’t white enough. .. Yet, when we look at pictures of ourselves from a few short years ago the response is different. “Man I looked good, I wish I knew how good I looked back then.”Why is it so hard for us to stop and say hey… I look pretty damn good right now, instead of waiting three years to think so?
We consistently talk about "the good ole days", and how we didn't realize what a good thing we had going. We bring up how great was it that our only responsibility was to ride our bikes home before dark, to decide what elective we wanted to take in middle school, or in college to set our alarms for a one pm class. In a few years, I'll probably be saying how I wished I had back the life I had now. Now, I think about how breezy bar hopping with my girlfriends and rolling into my college class in my sweats was "the life."

When does it catch up with us? Why can't we just say THIS, .... THIS is the life. Now. Today.


Liz said...

More importantly...why is every life lesson that everyone learns, identical and likened to the next Joe Blow?

Carrie Maxwell said...

wow... christmas contemplation.

i like where you're going with this... it is an excellent goal. i'm always looking to the past... or the future for better days.

maybe 2009 is the year for living in the now... and liking it. :)

this is a great post. love you. merry christmas!

Anonymous said...

It's being mindful of the moment. It's a Buddhist concept. Maybe not originally, but they do claim to practice mindfulness.

I've gotten a little bit better about this with age. I think I'll be awesome at it as the years go by. I like to stand at the sink and slow down, soap up a rag, and actually be in the moment of cleaning the sink. Sounds crazy. If I can't enjoy the task I'm doing at the moment, how can I enjoy next year's vacation?