Wednesday, July 9, 2008

20 vs 26

I am not sure when it happened, it just crept up on me. I didn't see it coming, there was no warning and BAM - I'm old.

When I was 20 years old (we'll go with 21 for legal standings) I knew where the specials were at bars for EVERY SINGLE night of the week. My life was school and work during the day, a nap, and a bar at night until it closed. I could pre party, party, and after party with the best of them.

No more.

I don't know if its having a full time job, having full adult responsibilities, or my liver being beaten in years previous, but I am no longer in the glory days folks.

For proof, this is me at 2am after a night out. A night out that started at 10pm. This is me, the girl who used to party until 4am. 20 vs 26 = BIG difference.


Carrie Maxwell said...


just wait. that's me at 10:00 now.


Anonymous said...

Ya, that's me too. I can't party these days if I try....

Liz said...

Ah Geeze!!! :( I'm getting there...getting there quickly!