Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wilson and Gracie vs The Economy

In the Dimoff household we are fairly conservative with our money. I have slowly but surely been working my way completely out of credit card debt. I try not to to overindulge at the grocery store as I would end up throwing half of it out anyway. That is just what happens when there is just one person and two small dogs in a household.

In the Dimoff household, we take equal responsibility in surviving the down turning economy. Gracie and Wilson take their part very seriously. Here is Gracie hard at work.

She is the brains of the operation, if any of you know Wilson, you shall understand. I like to refer to him as the reason for the need for such an operation. To his credit, he does not disturb Gracie when she is in "the zone."

As they live rent free, enjoying the many perks of my labor, I feel it is only fair for them to have a task to fulfill their day, and procure our future.

Another days work completed.

For those of you that laugh, come knocking on my door when you run out of pet food, at our inflated special rate of course. Gracie/Wilson Chow is the wave of the future, and the family is ready for the economy. Not putting your dogs to work??? I pity the fool....


Unknown said...

What is Gracie doing? I can't tell. Link is also feeling the affects of the economy. He gets groomed at home and only goes out for toenail trimmings, which is better for all parties involved. Link also discovered the 99 cent rope toy at Target is just as good as the 2.99 rope toy at Petsmart.

Carrie Maxwell said...

what is that... is she storing dogfood?

lmao!!! :)