Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I love Random

- My closet for the most part, consists only of shades of purple, pink, black, blue and green. I bought an orange shirt last week, we'll see if I wear it.

- It is incredibly flattering for a friend to turn to you in a time of need, and rather self gratifying to be there to help them out. On the other hand, there is nothing more humbling than when people line up to help YOU out.

- No matter how old they are, men are idiots. There is a guy who had asked me out for drinks, and I text messaged him Saturday night. I received back

"Actually, I'm on a date right now, want to chat tomorrow."

And before you ask, yes he did call. My opinion is two fold. 1. Do not ever tell a girl you are trying to date, that you are on a date. 2. I certainly am not going to put myself in the position to be the girl sitting across from that text message... if you know what I mean.

- My dogs are awesome, annoying, and one of the greatest joys in the world.

- I miss being around children on a daily basis. While it didn't exactly pay, being a nanny was the best job I ever had.

-I am scared stiff to get my wisdom teeth out this week. I have nightmares about it. My dentist told me at 16 that I needed them out before graduation. High school came, I assumed he meant college.....

- No matter what is going on, or what kind of mood I'm in, a little music comes on, and I dance, just for a second even, and that improves my mood(and confuses my dogs).This is my current "happy song."


Carrie Maxwell said...

i love random too. :)

i agree with everything you wrote.

love you lots and lots.


Anonymous said...

I know it's wrong, and not at all Zen, but I'd trade lives with you right now if I could.